
Indian Platter with Tamarind Chutney

This authentic and flavourful Tamarind Chutney is a great addition to our Indian Platter


•Shore Mariner Indian Platter
•1/2 Cup tamarind, seedless
•1/2 Cup dates, seedless
•2 Cups water
•1/2 Cup jaggery or dark brown sugar
•1 Teaspoon coriander powder
•1/2 Teaspoon cumin powder
•1/2 Teaspoon ginger powder
•1 Teaspoon red chili powder
•Salt to taste



•Ivegetn a large pan mix the tamarind, dates, jaggery and water. Boil for 10 minutes
•Add the coriander, cumin, ginger powder, red chili powder and salt. Mix well and mash the tamarind and dates. Simmer for 2 minutes
•Allow the mixture to cool completely, transfer the mixture to a blender and blend to a smooth puree texture
•Strain the puree into a serving dish, discard any residue and pulp
•Cook Shore Mariner Indian platter as per pack instructions

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